Manta seaworld orlanfa pov
Manta seaworld orlanfa pov

The exit of the element slams you back down into your seat and blasts you with a short bust of positives in the flying position before entering a graceful but fun inline twist. After that you head into the massive pretzel loop, which offers super sustained, blackout level positives in the lying position. After a relaxing lift you whip down the drop, in the back you get yankee over and then get violently thrown to the side and slammed with the first moment of crushing positive G’s in the flying position. Speaking of flying coasters, I love them because it adds to the fun factor a lot and it accentuates the forces and sense of speed quite a bit, it’s a big part of why I love this ride so much. There’s also epic music playing throughout the whole queue and even on the lift hill, and there’s this really cool sound when you raise into the flying position, it sounds like you’re charging up to prepare for the insanity that is manta. Back right is my favorite seat and there usually isn’t too much of a line which is nice however the operations are terrible and this coaster does go down quite a bit.

manta seaworld orlanfa pov

The trains look just as good as the rest of the ride and the restraints are comfortable and pretty open feeling for a Flyer, especially if you can get room which is pretty easy. The queue is cool as it is completely indoors and u pass several fish tanks. First of all I love the presentation of this ride, the colors are perfect, especially at this park and the landscaping and views you can get of the coaster are spectacular. It found it’s way into my top 10 with over 200 credits to my name.

manta seaworld orlanfa pov

6 years later and I finally get the chance to ride it again, and my memories of it being insane were completely accurate, manta truly is a beast. I remembered the ride being intense and crazy but I thought I was just overplaying it in my head because of how new and scary it was to me at the time. Fast forward some time and I rode many more coasters and I became more of an enthusiast, so this ride dropped. It was a complete blur while also being extremely fun, and I ranked it as my #1 at the time. When I first rode it in 2017 it was one of the first big coasters I rode and I thought it was insane. All in all SeaWorld was a interesting place and I'd love to go back again when everything was up and running.I love this coaster a lot and think it’s criminally underrated. I would have like to feed the dolphins but there wasn't availability for that day. What we did enjoyed the most was feeding the Manta rays. But because of the lost of power and the two hour delay we couldn't ride any other rides and missed most of the shows. I can't blame SeaWorld for this, if anything I have to praise how they kept the people stuck up there calm for those two hours. From what I understand is there was a accident out on the main road and 1/2 the park lost it's power. After a 1/2 hour wait they finally got on in the front!! However just as the coaster was about to crest the first hill it stopped.!! Two hours later my family was released and had to walk down the staircase next to the Manta track. The only down fall was the first thing the hubby and kids did was get in line for the Manta roller coaster. By purchasing the package on-line and printing out the tickets before we arrived at the park we got in quickly. I found a great package deal for both Bush Gardens and SeaWorld packaged together. So when planning a trip to Florida for our Feb break I checked into Bush Gardens in Tampa, Fl. My husband and kids are crazy into roller-coasters.

Manta seaworld orlanfa pov